Fermentation Production

Development of new microbial strains and products is exciting, but it is all useless if we do not have scale up, manufacturing and commercialization. NueGen can perform all of these steps all in our one location. Based on our customers need, we optimize microbial biomass production through shake flasks, small-scale fermenters (1L, 500L) and mass produce through at commercial scale manufacturing (1,000 L and 5,000L fermentation).  Our fermentation capabilities are complemented by our downstream processing including centrifugation, vacuum drying as well as powder and liquid blending of final products.

Our specially selected bacteria cultures have undergone testing and performance improvement. The product list presently consists of microbial mixtures of non-pathogenic, naturally occurring consortia in stable spore or biomass concentrates which are available in either dry powder or liquid form. NeuGen products are also offered in a variety of concentrations to provide the user with the greatest possible economy, flexibility and end use effectiveness. Our most concentrated bacterial cultures contain 10 to 100 times more bacteria than is generally available and offer significant savings and greatly reduced shipping costs when compared to other products.

Our state-of-the-art manufacturing plant and development laboratory is designed to successfully take on everything from simple projects to the most challenging microbial fermentation challenge.

Both flexible and full-service, our production facilities and product development staff help take your product from process development and validation to large -scale commercial manufacture:

  • Mass production of bacterial biomass through fermentation technology
  • Formulation of bio-augmentation products for agriculture, animal nutrition, soil remediation, wastewater treatment, and sustainable chemistry applications
  • Commercialization of bio-augmentation products world wide

Greenhouse Production

Procedures in the greenhouse focus on maximizing productivity of cultures (optimal relationships between plant growth, mycorrhiza biomass, and fungal sporulation) and free of contaminating microbes and pests that might spread particulates from one culture to another or be a detriment to plant health.

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