In the recent years, Exome sequencing is one of the most followed technologies for identifying disease-causing variants in the protein-coding regions of the genome. This technology targets only protein coding regions (exome) of the genome which is about 2 % of the whole genome.

NeuGen accepts Exome samples from healthcare industries (patients) as well as research institutions for whole exome sequencing and clinical exome sequencing.

Whole Exome Sequencing Analysis

  • Quality control of raw data
  • Mapping reads to Reference Genome
  • Exome enrichment
  • Variant calling (SNPs, MNVs, Insertion, and Deletion)
  • Variant filtration

Clinical Exome Sequencing Analysis

  • Quality control of raw data
  • Mapping reads to Reference Genome
  • Exome enrichment
  • Variant calling (SNPs, MNVs, Insertion, and Deletion)
  • Variant filtration and annotation
  • Variant annotation with functional genomic effects
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