We developed a unique microbial technology called “Agri-Gate”, which consists of specific microbes that helps to improve the agricultural environment. With our Agri-Gate technology we design, develop, and innovate solutions for your specific application.

Through extensive research, development, and market analysis, our Agri-Gate technology has developed a collection of high effective microbial isolates (e.g. bacteria, yeast and fungi).  Each microbial strain carries its own unique attributes. The continuous investigation and application of biological products to solve various industrial problems and the search for new solutions has made our products recognized in a vast area of application worldwide.  With the knowledge and understanding of the capabilities of different microbes NeuGen has established environmentally friendly solutions and sustainable approaches for the following key areas:

  • Soil health and remediation
  • Plant health and nutrition
  • Animal health and nutrition
  • Wastewater and solid waste treatment
  • Sustainable Cleaning Chemistry

We are 100% biology and nature. We work to heal pollution by introducing the advanced biological products.  Our sustainable approach avoids inflicting unnecessary harm to the environment, ultimately yielding a wide range of benefits in agriculture and industries.

Soil microbiology and health in agriculture:

Soil microbiology and health in agriculture: we need to learn how to restore the soils. Use of chemical in the agriculture practice destroys most of the microbes in the soil. Our Agri-Gate technology harvesting microorganisms for the most fertile soils, reproducing them in the labs and reintroducing them into the soil  making a big difference to feed the world in the future. Agri-Gate microbes are able to cut chemical fertilizers in half, reduce or eliminate pesticides and fungicides and increase the yield while protecting the environment.

Farming with over fertilizing use, chemicals washes out into the ground water, which is not sustainable for soil health.  By using Agri-Gate microorganisms, it could unlock the fertilizers in the soil. These microorganisms help uptake of water and more minerals. Hence, the plants are able to do more chemical reactions, and produce more sugars for energy to fight off diseases, and increases the yield. Plants and microorganisms together on the earth gets mutually beneficial. The plants provide nutrients from the roots to feed the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in the soil. Agri-Gate microorganisms make digestive enzymes that break down large molecules into easy uptake small molecules by plant. Hence, plants feed the microorganisms and the microorganisms feed the plant.  By this combination, there is increase quality and increase yield.

By choosing the right combination of Agri-Gate microorganisms you can pick the one that they complement one another instead of compete each other and that is the key for better crop and yield.

Agri-Gate Benefits:

  • Reduce fertilizer inputs
  • Cut nitrogen fertilizers in half
  • Can unlock phosphorus which is saturated in the soil and feed it to the plants
  • Can protect the environment by reducing or eliminating pesticides and fungicides usage
  • The plants taking up of more calcium with the help of the Agri-Gate microbes.
  • Natural resistance to pests and disease will increase quality and yield
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