NeuGen provide comprehensive bioinformatics solutions for diverse genomics research areas mentioned below
De Novo Whole Genome Sequencing
- Quality control of raw data
- Denovo Genome Assembly (Primary and Secondary Assembly)
- Genome completion (Draft Genome)
- Gene Prediction and Functional Annotation
De Novo Hybrid Whole Genome Sequencing
NeuGen provides hybrid genome assembly with combination of different sequencing technologies such as PacBio, Illumina, Optical mapping, 10X Genomics and HiC. NeuGen follows different tailor-made pipelines according to the combination of technologies used for hybrid assembly.

Whole Genome Re-sequencing

- Quality control of raw data
- Mapping reads to Reference Genome
- Variant calling (SNPs, MNVs, Insertion, and Deletion)
- Variant filtration
Whole Exome Sequencing
- Quality control of raw data
- Mapping reads to Reference Genome
- Exome enrichment
- Variant calling (SNPs, MNVs, Insertion, and Deletion)
- Variant filtration

De Novo Whole Transcriptome Sequencing

- Quality control of raw data
- Denovo Transcriptome Assembly
- Redundancy Removal
- Validation
- Gene expression analysis
- Differential Gene Expression analysis
Whole Transcriptome Re-sequencing
- Quality control of raw data
- Mapping reads to the reference data
- Merging transcriptomes from different conditions
- Gene Expression analysis
- Differential Gene Expression analysis


Metagenomics analysis is used to identify microbial community and new beneficial genes with novel antibiotics, enzymes from a particular environment. NeuGen accepts various microbial samples from soil, water, human guts etc. for metagenomics analysis
- Assembly of high quality reads
- Taxa identification
- Microbial community abundance identification
- Diversity analysis
- Functional Annotation
Epigenomics Sequencing
NeuGen offers epigenomics services like ChIP sequencing and genome Bisulfite sequencing.
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP-seq) is to detect genome-wide protein-DNA interaction. ChIP-seq can be used in the disciplines like tumour suppressor gene silencing, cellular differentiation and histone modifications on expression,
Genome Bisulfite sequencing discover DNA methylation pattern in the genome. This technique is used in the studies such as gene regulation, phenotypic diversity, stem cell differentiation, and evolution in plants and animals.